These wine bags make the perfect gift for friends and family!
Available in 16 sayings:
- I'm having fruit salad for dinner, ok it's mainly grapes, ok all grapes, fermented grapes, I'm having wine for dinner.
- May all your joys be pure joys, and all your pain, champagne.
- You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are. (Lewis Carroll)
- Let's misbehave.
- Novinophobia: the fear of running out of wine
- May your glass be ever full. May the roof over your head always be strong. And may you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you're dead. (Irish Blessing)
- Here's to nights we'll never remember, with friends we'll never forget.
- May we always have old wine, old friends, and young cares.
- If I ever go missing, I would like my photo put on wine bottles instead of milk cartons. This way my friends will know to look for me.
- As you get older, you shouldn't waste time drinking bad wine. (Julia Child)
- Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy. (Frank Sinatra)
- "Trust me, you can dance." - Wine
- You Drink Too Much, Swear Too Much and Questionable Morals....You're Everything I've Ever Wanted In A Friend
- Once upon a time there was someone who really needed a glass of wine. It was me. The end.
- Wine is win with an 'E' on the end.
- Drinks on me.